Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting - HKU SPACE

    2024-09-20 19:31

    The Programme provides a very practical and all-round knowledge in financial accounting, costing, taxation, finance and auditing and is internationally recognised by a number of professional accounting organizations. For more details, please contact [email protected]. 29. Jun 2024.

    Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting - HKU SPACE

    Kaplan - HKICPA Accredited Conversion Programme

    (HKICPA Accredited Conversion Programme) Kaplan專業會計師考試銜接課程(Professional Diploma in Accountancy)的目標是彌補非會計學位和會計學位持有者之間的學識差距。完成銜接課程後,考生便能開始應考各會計師公會的專業會計師考試。

    Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accounting 專業會計深造文憑

    The Programme provides a very practical and all-round knowledge in financial accounting, costing, taxation, finance and auditing and is internationally recognised by a number of professional accounting organizations. For more details, please contact [email protected]. More Events. Same as Master programme, this programme is pitched at QF ...

    HKICPA New Qualification Programme (New QP) - Kaplan Hong Kong

    The New QP prepared and monitored by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) is specifically tailored to Hong Kong's business environment. It is synonymous with quality and a choice for students who seek to stand out among their peers. A professional qualification opens many otherwise closed doors.

    Qualification Programme - Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public ...

    The QP develops the various enabling skillsets that an all-rounded CPA needs through the three aspects of the programme - education, examination, and experience. Education and examination. The QP builds on your pre-entry education of a sub-degree or above qualification and progresses through workshops and examinations, which constitute the ...

    會計師 -

    香港的金融及會計行業發展蓬勃,在國際間一直保持其重要地位,隨著中國與香港之間的經濟連繫日益緊密,市場對會計專業的需求日益增長。 ... ,需要在完成課程後將學歷呈交HKICPA審核,並視乎個別情況在港修讀HKICPA認可的轉制課程(Conversion Programme)。

    執業註冊會計師之路 -

    執業註冊會計師之路. 本港不少非主修會計的大學畢業生,以及海外大學的會計或其他學科畢業生,近年相繼進修會計轉駁課程(Conversion Programme),冀於投身會計界,反映行業魅力有增無減。. 一位註冊會計師與一位會計從業員,其待遇及晉升階梯大有不同 ...

    會計高等文憑課程Advanced Diploma Programme in Accounting - 會計及金融 - 商業及管理 - 課程 ...

    本課程適合有意在會計領域發展知識和技能,並追求會計專業職業生涯的人士。 該課程旨在為學員提供扎實而豐富的財務會計、管理會計、稅務和法律知識。使學員能夠獲得具體和實用的會計知識和技能,以助未來職業發展及獲取會計領域的專業資格。

    BA (Hons) Accounting (Top-up Degree) | University of ... - Kaplan

    Candidates who do not comply with the fee schedule will not be permitted to proceed with the programme. Enroll to enjoy up to HK$2,000 ^ Early Bird-Rebate & HK$8,000 # Scholarship which are valid for application on or before 20 Jul, 2024 only.. For 6 units students: HK$2,000 Early Bird Rebate ^ + HK$8,000 Scholarship # . For 4 units students: HK$2,000 Early Bird Rebate ^ + HK$5,000 Scholarship #


    會計及財務導師 Tutor Ricky 能為同學們提供會計 ... Conversion Programme and HKICPA QP Exams) Courses: Cost and Management Accounting and HKICPA QP Module A: Financial Reporting (Professional Examinations) "Ricky is very knowledgeable in Cost and Management Accounting. He was very patient and able to modify his teaching to my ...

    Accredited degree programmes - Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public ...

    Master of Science in Accounting. The University of Hong Kong. BBA (Law) / BBA (Law) & LLB with a Professional Core in Accounting. BBA in Accounting & Finance. BBA in Accounting Data Analytics. Master of Accounting. Tung Wah College. BBA (Hons) with Major in Professional Accountancy. Institutions - Mainland.


    CPA註冊會計師考試|會計行業中不少人都希望考獲會計師執業資格,令工作更有「錢途」,透過報讀香港會計師公會(HKICPA)的專業資格課程(Qualification Programme,QP),是晉身為「會計師」(Certified Public Accountant,CPA)最方便的途徑。即看下文註冊會計師考試流程、QP課程入讀資格、CPA薪酬等資訊。

    Qualification Programme (QP) Exam Revision Course - 香港商業專科學校

    Module 5 Information Management. $ 1,500.00 - $ 3,600.00. 本網提供了報讀商專的各項課程資料,包括會計、商業、工商管理、英語及科技資訊等。. 由兼讀制至全日制的課程,助同學考取不同的專業資格及提升學歷,為將來的升學及事業發展提供更好的準備.

    PDF Name of Accredited Programme: Kaplan Conversion Programme Mode of Study ...

    For students admitted to the programme before 1 January 2020, the corresponding curriculum will be listed in the 'Section 4 - Self Assessment' of the online application. Pre-entry Modules HKICPA will only consider academic qualifications that were completed within the recent 5 years for exemption of the QP Associate Level Modules.

    如何成為執業會計師 | 香港

    如何成為執業會計師? 香港會計師公會 (HKICPA) 是本港唯一法定專業會計師註冊組織,其專業資格課程(Qualification Programme,簡稱 QP)以大學的會計學位為入讀資格,是在本港擔任執業會計師的最直接途徑。 課程由四個單元及終期考試組成: 單元 A:財報匯報(Financial reporting) 單元 B:企業財務 ...

    Kaplan的Conversion Programme對找工作有用嗎? - 會計 Accounting - 香港討論區 ...

    對找工作 (初級會計工職位)有用嗎? Conversion program is for QP instead of job hunting. 1) you cannot finish QP, the value of your conversion program certificate is nil. 2) you finish QP, nobody looks at your conversion program certificate.

    Kaplan Financial - Accountancy | Kaplan Hong Kong

    Kaplan Financial, part of Kaplan, Inc., is the leading global provider of diverse education and training. Programmes include professional accountancy and financial training, vocational qualifications and Apprenticeships, financial markets, postgraduate and undergraduate degrees. Kaplan Financial combines 70 years of educational and learning ...

    讀conversion program考ACCA | LIHKG 討論區

    你可以讀conversion考cpa,但千祈唔好做會計,同埋唔好考HKICPA,你做finance, compliance, risk都好過會計,當初無做會計去咗做真compliance 班友人工仲好過會計,而家入行做會計嗰啲 (尤其半途出家),一係勁鍾意會計,一係被人老點,一係走投無路連自己degree 個major都揾 ...

    讀conversion program考ACCA | LIHKG 討論區

    想confirm係咪pass 左big 4 conversion programme 就exempt ACCA 頭9份卷?? Thx. 想問下ching依家點?. 我近排都想去讀cp轉行做會計. hello ching我都想問下唔係做audit(嚟緊fg onboard做advisory)嘅話有冇需要讀conversion programme? 同埋想知讀嚟到底有咩用 如果可以嘅話tg問多你幾句?.

    LCCI or QP conversion programme? - 上班台 - 香港高登討論區

    會計文員考LCCI,考牌就考QP。. 不過如果你考牌,建議你有個初步了解要讀乜,例如去HKICPA揀一兩個最簡單最基本accounting standard/auditing standard去睇,睇下係唔係鍾意。. 總好過洗濕個頭先討厭呢行。. 一個conversion起碼幾萬,考試差唔多要20K,補習班一個module起碼 ...

    Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) - Kaplan

    HKICPA New Qualification Programme (New QP) HKICPA The Capstone (Final Examination) Professional Diploma in Accountancy (HKICPA Accredited Conversion Programme) CPA Program ® (Australia) The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)

    Conversion programme, accounting degree or MPA - 金融投資行業 -

    超人. 帖子 114 積分 1229 註冊時間 2004-8-3 . 短消息. 1 # 大 中 小 發表於 2009-6-21 01:44 am 只看該作者 分享 # 大 中 小 發表於 2009-6-21 01:44 am 只看該作者 分享