Kushim the Sumerian and the first Accounting Mistake in History

    2024-09-20 22:32

    Meet Kushim. It is very rare that we get an insight into an individual from ancient history, let alone one from ancient Sumer. This is one of the truly distant civilizations, and just as dynastic Egypt was getting its act together Kushim was counting beans in the Sumerian city of Uruk sometime between 3,400 and 3,000 BC.

    Kushim the Sumerian and the first Accounting Mistake in History

    會計界的10個「冷知識」,你知道嗎? - 每日頭條

    那麼,以下這10個會計界「冷知識」,你又知道幾個呢?. 01:. 「會計師」一詞來自法語單詞「computer」,含義為計數或得分。. 02:. 人類歷史上,第一個留下名字記載的人,不是什麼偉大的領袖。. 竟然是個會計!. 他的名字叫庫辛(Kushim)。. 03:. 第一本關於 ...

    TIL the first person in history whose name we know is Kushim, an ...

    Kushim contemplated the choices. Power and wealth are great, but what good is power without the glory of living forever in songs and stories? And surely one couldn't be remembered without being famous, and couldn't be famous without being rich - the creature must be lying. Kushim opened his mouth and spoke, "I choose to be remembered." "Very well."

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    會計界的10個「冷知識」,你知道嗎? - 每日頭條

    那麼,以下這10個會計界「冷知識」,你又知道幾個呢?. 01:. 「會計師」一詞來自法語單詞「computer」,含義為計數或得分。. 02:. 人類歷史上,第一個留下名字記載的人,不是什麼偉大的領袖。. 竟然是個會計!. 他的名字叫庫辛(Kushim)。. 03:. 第一本關於 ...